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$1M in grants to Atkins and belle Plaine

February 28, 2023

Benton Development Group announced that more than $1M in disaster relief grants had been awarded for communities in Benton County. Atkins will receive $620,000, and Belle Plaine has been awarded $475,000.

The Iowa Economic Development Authority awarded the grants from funds provided by the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Disaster Recovery Grant in response to the 2020 Derecho. The Derecho had a devastating impact on housing in in both communities. Additional disaster relief funds will become available later in the spring.

“Grants like these, and the $300,000 in Catalyst Grants we’ve received, depend on a close working relationship between BDG and local governments,” explains BDG Executive Director Kate Robertson. “We are a funded by the board of supervisors to be a resource for every community in the county and as these most recent grants demonstrate, success depends on the active involvement of BDG, mayors, city clerks, and city councils.”

Benton Development Group (BDG) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the improved well-being of all Benton County residents. Governed by a board open to members from all communities in the county, the organization is the primary point of contact for businesses interested in expanding or finding locations suitable for constructing new plants. BDG has been involved in successful applications for more than $1,300,000 in state grants and promoted Benton County locations to several major employers looking to build new manufacturing facilities.

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