WHY benton county?
When you ask a person what they think Iowa has to offer, you tend to get the same response – Corn – and it’s true, Iowa continues to be a national and global leader in agriculture. If, however, you think Iowa is all agriculture, you’re wrong.
Benton County has a vibrant, diverse economy that creates opportunities for growth. Low operational costs, a pro-business environment and an educated labor force all make Benton County the perfect choice to start and expand a business.
available sites & buildings
Benton County is a great place to live, work, and play. Whether you’re interested in manufacturing, healthcare, or countless other options, visit these sites for the latest jobs from our business partners.
LaborShed Analysis
The purpose of a Laborshed analysis is to measure the availability and characteristics of workers within the region. The Laborshed data generated will aid local development officials in their facilitation of industry expansion and recruitment and their service to existing industry in the area. Detailed data describing the characteristics of the available labor force including current/desired wage rates and benefits, job qualifications and skills, age cohorts, residence/work location, employment requirements/obstacles and the distances individuals are willing to travel for employment are included in the study. Survey respondents from the Benton County Laborshed area were asked to identify the industry in which they are currently working. The largest concentration of workers are employed in the manufacturing, health care and education industries. Please click the links at the bottom of the page to view the summary or full report of the LaborShed report.
Industrial Classification of the Employed in Benton County